Posts filed under “Potpourri” Subscribe

  1. Book Report: Nickel and Dimed

    I just finished reading Barbara Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed and it really opened my eyes. Clevery subtitled “How (Not) To Get By in America,” the book is a chronicle of Ehrenreich’s “adventures“ in survival as a member of the low-wage workforce that serves our meals, cleans our homes, and cares for our elderly.

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  2. Now hear this

    In case you missed the real thing, you can now listen to the podcast of How to Bluff Your Way in DOM Scripting, the presentation international male model Jeremy Keith and I gave at SXSW this year.

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  3. WestHost gets Rails

    I received an email announcement yesterday that WestHost (my host of choice) is going to be offering Ruby on Rails for install through its Site Manager. I guess it means that, sometime this month, my tutorial on the subject will no longer needed.

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