Posts tagged “animation”
Now Read This VIII
Last week, Steve Jobs resigned and Twitter launched a resource for quickly building prototypes and apps. Also: solar power keeps getting cheaper and airports are going to the bees.
The Challenges and Freedoms of Creating a Chrome App
As Aaron mention last week, we recently developed a Chrome App for; in reality though we built a modern web app that leveraged many features of HTML5 and CSS3.
Brooke Valentine’s Celebrity Girl Fight Game
If you made something that was used by over Ten Million people, would you/it be a success?
A Twitter Search Visualizer in Processing.js
I jumped over from Raphael back to Processing again today and built a visualizer for Twitter data.
Canvas, Audio, Raphael & Twitter
Last week I worked up an audio visualizer in Flash for a friend that yielded some nice results; doing the same thing with
and JavaScript requires a more roundabout method that is less accurate but more gratifying from a coding perspective. -
See Creature
I took a day to extend the tentacle class to work on 360° and secondary motion from a parent node, but here it is, the first critter for my ocean.
Logarithmic Spirals
A logarithmic spiral, equiangular spiral or growth spiral is a special kind of spiral curve which often appears in nature. The logarithmic spiral was first described by Descartes and later extensively investigated by Jakob Bernoulli, who called it Spira mirabilis, “the marvelous spiral.”
HTML Canvas & Processing.js
I have been experimenting with the new HTML5
element and trying to get up to speed on the syntax. -
Charter For Compassion
Our latest project, launched November 12, was the Charter For Compassion. The “Collective,” the Flash component I built, is a growing list of compassionate acts done by people all over the globe.
Underwater Environment with ActionScript
I have had some ideas recently about creating an underwater type environment with actionscript. Not a fish tank thing. Ideally I would like deep sea primitive life forms, lots of environment noise from caustics, particles of plankton, light scattering, etc.