Posts filed under “Programming” 
The “Native” vs. “Stylable” Tug of War
In his astute post “‘Native experience’ vs styling select boxes”, Bruce Lawson correctly identified a common tension in the web world: wanting better native controls vs. wanting to throw away what the browser does. Here are my thoughts.
Zoom Layouts v2
I have been thinking quite a bit about viewport-based units and how we can use them to create automated zoom layouts by increasing the font size of the
element. -
JAIL-ing images in ExpressionEngine
Lazy loading images is a great way to reduce page load, but some of the markup patterns for accomplishing it following progressive enhancement are a little tricky to manage in a CMS. Thankfully, we have plug-ins.
Responsive Tables
A few smart folks have already put together their thoughts on responsive tables and, while I think the proposed methods are pretty good, I think there might be room for improvement.
Slides from my talk at HOW Interactive
These last two days have been a bit of a whirlwind, but I have had a great time meeting and talking to the attendees (and other speakers) here at the HOW Interactive conference in San Francisco. Read on for the slides from my talk.
Hackanooga registration is now open
In a world with universal, ultra high-speed networks, all our assumptions about the web can be reset. What kinds of apps can we build when data can travel as fast as it needs to and processing power is never a bottleneck? The GigCity is going to find out.
Don’t Sell Out Your Users
Most sites have exhaustive Privacy Policies detailing what information they collect and what they may do with it, which is why I find it bizarre that many of these same sites have chosen to hand over their users’ browsing habits to third parties such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google without considering the implications.
iIR Redux
A few years back, I wrote a little article celebrating the fact that you could actually apply image-replacement techniques to images themselves. Little did I know, six years later, it would become a useful technique for tackling high resolution displays.
This Must Not Happen!
When I opened my inbox this morning, I nearly fell over: Browser makers are considering supporting the WebKit vendor prefix (
) because the web development community can’t be bothered to use the equivalent experimental properties for other browsers. -
JavaScript-less Google+ (finally)
Google’s over-engineering of the G+ button led us to drop support for G+ sharing when we re-launched the mobile-first version of this blog. We’ve anabled it now thanks to some help from the code spelunkers at TechLifeWeb.