Posts filed under “Potpourri” Subscribe

  1. New Easy! app: Tipr

    Those of you who’ve been paying attention to the apps that came out of iPhoneDevCamp (or who are using Applists, AppMarks, or any of the other iPhone web app aggregators/launchers) are probably already aware, but we just launched our first micro-application named “Tipr” last week.

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  2. Whoops…

    I was doing a little server cleanup and moved this site’s folder, forgetting to set the new folder up for mod_rewrite, so permalinks have been broken for the last week or so.

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  3. And now the fun begins

    Today marked the last day of my “work” here at SXSW and now it’s play time. It’s only been two days of the conference, but it seems like I’ve already done a week’s worth of stuff. My two sessions both went extremely well from my perspective and the feedback I’ve received has also been very good so far.

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  4. Heading South

    Tomorrow morning I’ll be making my annual pilgrimage to SXSW (a.k.a. geek camp). In between catching up with friends, drinking, and checking out some of the excellent panels, I will be co-presenting two 25-minute “power sessions,” a new format for the conference.

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