Posts tagged “usability” 
Responsive Typography
I think Responsive Typography is such an invaluable book, I offered to write the Foreword and Jason Pamental (and O’Reilly) have been kind enough to let me reprint it here.
The “Native” vs. “Stylable” Tug of War
In his astute post “‘Native experience’ vs styling select boxes”, Bruce Lawson correctly identified a common tension in the web world: wanting better native controls vs. wanting to throw away what the browser does. Here are my thoughts.
Designing with Empathy at #btconf
I used my time on stage in Düsseldorf this past May to talk about ways we can and should inject more empathy into our work.
Apple vs. the Open Web
Reading Dan Kaplan’s post on Siri finally convinced me that Apple doesn’t care about the open web.
Responsive Tables
A few smart folks have already put together their thoughts on responsive tables and, while I think the proposed methods are pretty good, I think there might be room for improvement.
Aaron on the BBC (and UIE)
Aaron’s been all over the place lately. He was recently interviewed for a segment on HTML5 that ran on BBC television in the UK. He also sat down for a chat with Jared Spool to talk about responsive design, adaptive user interfaces, mobile and more.
Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar 2012
A few weeks back, I flew to Sweden to deliver a talk on progressive enhancement for mobile devices at Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar. I thought I’d share my slide deck from the talk in case you’re interested.
Don’t Sell Out Your Users
Most sites have exhaustive Privacy Policies detailing what information they collect and what they may do with it, which is why I find it bizarre that many of these same sites have chosen to hand over their users’ browsing habits to third parties such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google without considering the implications.
Egalitarianism and Progressive Enhancement
What might progressive enhancement suggest in the world of culture and politics? It’s a subject I have been mulling over in my head for years and I thank Ben Hoh for finally coaxing it out of me.
Progressive Enhancement vs. Hardboiled Design
Last week I shared a link about progressive enhancement for mobile on Forrst and it elicited quite a reaction from one reader which, in turn, prompted a lengthy response from me. I thought it was a conversation worth archiving here.