Posts filed under “Process” 
Beyond Responsive Workshops this May
I am such a huge fan of running public workshops… especially über-affordable ones like I am leading this May.
The True Cost of Progressive Enhancement
Progressive enhancement is so ingrained in what we do that it makes it difficult to put hard numbers against the cost of not doing progressive enhancement. Hopefully, these two small case studies help illuminiate things a bit for those who may still be a bit skeptical.
Evernote for Interface Inventories
Evernote is a great tool for storing, managing, and organizing information. And with Skitch and Web Clipper, it can also be tremendously useful for documenting the current design of your app or website.
We Want You!
We are looking for two talented folks to join our team here in Chattanooga. If you’re the kind of person that thrives on variety and want to live & work in a really awesome city, read on…
Egalitarianism and Progressive Enhancement
What might progressive enhancement suggest in the world of culture and politics? It’s a subject I have been mulling over in my head for years and I thank Ben Hoh for finally coaxing it out of me.
HTML5 is the new DHTML
For all intents and purposes, “HTML5” has become a meaningless catch-all marketing phrase defining a platform rather than a specification. It’s “DHTML” all over again.
Progressive Enhancement vs. Hardboiled Design
Last week I shared a link about progressive enhancement for mobile on Forrst and it elicited quite a reaction from one reader which, in turn, prompted a lengthy response from me. I thought it was a conversation worth archiving here.
Progressive Enhancement and ExpressionEngine
This past week, Kelly and I were in Brooklyn for the ExpressionEngine CodeIgniter conference. We had a great time, met some awesome people, and I got to talk about my favorite topic: progressive enhancement.
From “Mobile Friendly” to “Mobile First”
You may not have noticed, but we just turned this blog on it’s head, design-wise. Those of you browsing on something other than a desktop browser should now be enjoying a much better reading experience. Here’s what’s changed and how we did it.
I (Finally) Wrote a Book
Over the last five years, one of the most frequent questions I’ve gotten has been “When are you going to write a book?” Well, I did. Are you happy now?