Posts tagged “iOS” 
Apple vs. the Open Web
Reading Dan Kaplan’s post on Siri finally convinced me that Apple doesn’t care about the open web.
iIR Redux
A few years back, I wrote a little article celebrating the fact that you could actually apply image-replacement techniques to images themselves. Little did I know, six years later, it would become a useful technique for tackling high resolution displays.
Now Read This IX
Apologies for not posting links last week…between the holiday on Monday and spending all of Tuesday without power, I got a little behind.
Monitor Your Websites with Notifications
After a recent DDOS to one of the sites I run, I put together a simple Python script to check in on my sites and let me know if any of them return anything besides “HTTP 200” as the response code.
iPhone Controlling Flash with TUIO and UDP
I am in the middle of constructing a FTIR table and, until my lasers arrive, I decided to get some output from my iPhone. After all, it’s a great touch screen and a change from building apps in Flash, which I know better.