Posts tagged “accessibility” 
A Web For Everyone
A few months back, Whitney Quesenbery and Sarah Horton asked if I would be willing to write the Foreword for their amazing new book on accessibility: A Web for Everyone. I’ve reprinted it here with their permission.
Zoom Layouts v2
I have been thinking quite a bit about viewport-based units and how we can use them to create automated zoom layouts by increasing the font size of the
element. -
Study: Over 90% of Newspaper Reading is in Print
A recent study out of the UK offers some food for thought when it comes to online readership of newspapers. Should we be so quick to kill print?
The True Cost of Progressive Enhancement
Progressive enhancement is so ingrained in what we do that it makes it difficult to put hard numbers against the cost of not doing progressive enhancement. Hopefully, these two small case studies help illuminiate things a bit for those who may still be a bit skeptical.
Responsive Tables
A few smart folks have already put together their thoughts on responsive tables and, while I think the proposed methods are pretty good, I think there might be room for improvement.
Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar 2012
A few weeks back, I flew to Sweden to deliver a talk on progressive enhancement for mobile devices at Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar. I thought I’d share my slide deck from the talk in case you’re interested.
Egalitarianism and Progressive Enhancement
What might progressive enhancement suggest in the world of culture and politics? It’s a subject I have been mulling over in my head for years and I thank Ben Hoh for finally coaxing it out of me.
Progressive Enhancement vs. Hardboiled Design
Last week I shared a link about progressive enhancement for mobile on Forrst and it elicited quite a reaction from one reader which, in turn, prompted a lengthy response from me. I thought it was a conversation worth archiving here.
Crafting Rich Experiences with Progressive Enhancement at Beyond Tellerrand
After a whirlwid trip to 4 countries, I am back to a rock-solid internet connection and got a moment to take a breath and post my slides from the first stop on the trip: Beyond Tellerrand in Düsseldorf, Germany.
On Adaptive vs. Responsive Web Design
In the past few months, I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time discussing the differences between the “adaptive” and “responsive” web design philosophies. Don’t get me wrong, I love having these discussions, but I felt the need to set the record straight: these two philosophies are not at odds.