Posts tagged “client relations” 
The “Native” vs. “Stylable” Tug of War
In his astute post “‘Native experience’ vs styling select boxes”, Bruce Lawson correctly identified a common tension in the web world: wanting better native controls vs. wanting to throw away what the browser does. Here are my thoughts.
The True Cost of Progressive Enhancement
Progressive enhancement is so ingrained in what we do that it makes it difficult to put hard numbers against the cost of not doing progressive enhancement. Hopefully, these two small case studies help illuminiate things a bit for those who may still be a bit skeptical.
HTML5 is the new DHTML
For all intents and purposes, “HTML5” has become a meaningless catch-all marketing phrase defining a platform rather than a specification. It’s “DHTML” all over again.
Now Read This VII
In this week’s link round-up, we bring you the reasoning behind Typekit’s font-loading strategy, two new CSS grid systems, a fantastic mashuip of Peanuts with Jaws, and the story of a woman ejected from a Houston bar for tweeting something the General Manager didn’t like. Happy reading!
What Do You Look For in an Browser-based Rich Text Editor?
Over the years we’ve used a number of different rich text editor scripts, but we’ve never felt 100% happy with any software we’ve used. We want to take a step back and look at the big picture before we audition (or build) another one. Can you help us?