Posts tagged “books & articles” 
Responsive Typography
I think Responsive Typography is such an invaluable book, I offered to write the Foreword and Jason Pamental (and O’Reilly) have been kind enough to let me reprint it here.
The “Native” vs. “Stylable” Tug of War
In his astute post “‘Native experience’ vs styling select boxes”, Bruce Lawson correctly identified a common tension in the web world: wanting better native controls vs. wanting to throw away what the browser does. Here are my thoughts.
A Web For Everyone
A few months back, Whitney Quesenbery and Sarah Horton asked if I would be willing to write the Foreword for their amazing new book on accessibility: A Web for Everyone. I’ve reprinted it here with their permission.
Download AWD direct to Dropbox
You can now download your digital copy of Adaptive Web Design via Dropbox, which is incredibly handy if you are on a mobile device that is not terribly adept at managing downloads.
Implementing Responsive Design
In case you hadn’t heard, Tim Kadlec fantastic book Implementing Responsive Design came out today from New Riders. It’s a fantastic and necessary read for any practicing web professional out there and I was honored Tim asked me to write the foreword.
Aaron on the BBC (and UIE)
Aaron’s been all over the place lately. He was recently interviewed for a segment on HTML5 that ran on BBC television in the UK. He also sat down for a chat with Jared Spool to talk about responsive design, adaptive user interfaces, mobile and more.
Now Read This III
From losing 7 years of your digital life to squeezing the entire world into Texas, we found some amazing links last week. Enjoy.
Now Read This I
I find a lot of cool links throughout the week and I usually bookmark them on some service, like Pinboard, but for some reason I never considered posting them to the blog. I’m recitfying that as of today.
I (Finally) Wrote a Book
Over the last five years, one of the most frequent questions I’ve gotten has been “When are you going to write a book?” Well, I did. Are you happy now?
Knock on Wood (Pulp)
One of my books went musical. And on my birthday no less.