Posts tagged “culture & society” 
Paper Dolls
In honor of SXSW Interctive turning 20, I’m sharing some of my memories from the festival. This is the fourth.
The Hampton
In honor of SXSW Interctive turning 20, I’m sharing some of my memories from the festival. This is the third.
In honor of SXSW Interctive turning 20, I’m sharing some of my memories from the festival. This is the second.
In honor of SXSW Interctive turning 20, I’m sharing some of my memories from the festival. This is the first.
A Web For Everyone
A few months back, Whitney Quesenbery and Sarah Horton asked if I would be willing to write the Foreword for their amazing new book on accessibility: A Web for Everyone. I’ve reprinted it here with their permission.
Study: Over 90% of Newspaper Reading is in Print
A recent study out of the UK offers some food for thought when it comes to online readership of newspapers. Should we be so quick to kill print?
Don’t Sell Out Your Users
Most sites have exhaustive Privacy Policies detailing what information they collect and what they may do with it, which is why I find it bizarre that many of these same sites have chosen to hand over their users’ browsing habits to third parties such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google without considering the implications.
Egalitarianism and Progressive Enhancement
What might progressive enhancement suggest in the world of culture and politics? It’s a subject I have been mulling over in my head for years and I thank Ben Hoh for finally coaxing it out of me.
HTML5 is the new DHTML
For all intents and purposes, “HTML5” has become a meaningless catch-all marketing phrase defining a platform rather than a specification. It’s “DHTML” all over again.
Now Read This IX
Apologies for not posting links last week…between the holiday on Monday and spending all of Tuesday without power, I got a little behind.