Posts filed under “Programming”
Getting TinyMCE to respect empty alt attributes
By default (or at least in the default configuration provided under the LG TinyMCE extension for ExpressionEngine), TinyMCE will remove the
attribute if it is empty. Obviously, for accessibility and validation reasons, this is highly undesirable and needs correcting. -
Underwater Environment with ActionScript
I have had some ideas recently about creating an underwater type environment with actionscript. Not a fish tank thing. Ideally I would like deep sea primitive life forms, lots of environment noise from caustics, particles of plankton, light scattering, etc.
Alex Russell is not a heretic
First off, let me preface this by saying I just got back to the East Coast after catching a red-eye from San Francisco on Saturday night, so if I seem a bit incoherent, that’s likely why.
A better createElementWithName()
Back in 2005, I wrote a piece about IE’s abysmal generation of
d elements via the DOM (which, interestingly enough, has proven to be one of the most popular posts on the blog, pointing to the fact that this is an obvious pain point for many DOM scripters out there). -
WebVisions wrapped
I just wrapped my presentation at WebVisions and have posted the slides for my talk, titled “Learning to Love Forms,” up on SlideShare.
Scroll and Flash
At SXSW, I gave a sneak peek at the new bizhub Pro site I built for Konica Minolta and, in particular, the “scroll and flash” usability enhancement I added to the product pages.
Speeding up your code with the Bitwise Operator (&)
While building a Flash game, I wrote some code to alternate through squares on a grid system and it seemed rather slow. My code made use of the
(modulo) operator and, thinking that was the cause, I went in search of a better solution. I blew the dust off the Bitwise operator (&
) and researched what it actually does. As it turns out, this little bit of programming’s past can be quite handy. -
PNG color oddities in IE
While working on a new site, I started playing around a little more with 8-bit PNG files, comparing them to GIFs.
Death to bad DOM Implementations
I just encountered a DOM implementation issue in IE which took about three hours to solve (and like a year off my life).
Trash + DOM = Treasure?
I am also a big believer in clean, semantic markup, so I become concerned when anyone is adding superfluous code to the document to force a design issue.