Posts tagged “projects & products” 
Tipr, now with added txt
So, as it turns out, this little app I built for myself is actually useful to other folks.
New Easy! app: Tipr
Those of you who’ve been paying attention to the apps that came out of iPhoneDevCamp (or who are using Applists,
AppMarks,or any of the other iPhone web app aggregators/launchers) are probably already aware, but we just launched our first micro-application named “Tipr” last week. -
Well, after much debate and deep deliberation, I did it. I quit my job.
Du You?
I built this popular game in Flash 8 for a brain exercise before I had ever actually played it.
Now that’s what I love to hear
I got an email the other day from Steven Mading, a developer at the BioMagnetic Resonance Bank at the University of Wisconsin. In it, he shared his experience using jsTrace and, with his permission, I’m sharing it with all of you.
Holiday Greetings & Games
This has been one crazy Fall work-wise, so I apologize for the scarcity of posts, but I do have a few holiday treats for you.
Dave’s Work Draws a Crowd
I just saw a copy of the latest issue of DMNews and Dave's hard work garnered the Wadsworth Atheneum a feature story and Cronin and Company some major kudos.
More developments in jsTrace
As I mentioned to Ian earlier today, Dave and I were discussing having the jsTrace window keep pace with whatever the most current line is spit out to it. A few hours later, here it is: jsTrace 1.3.
jsTrace two days on
The reception for our latest script release,
, has been fantastic. From the write-up on the DOM Scripting Task Force blog to all of the emails and comments, it’s been great. -
Debugging JavaScript just got a little bit easier
Like many of you, I'm sure, I hate debugging JavaScript. Really, it's not the debugging, per se, as much as it's using
to echo stuff out to the screen. It's stupid and distracting and takes for ever if you're debugging a lot of stuff.