Posts tagged “JavaScript” Subscribe

  1. Heading South

    Tomorrow morning I’ll be making my annual pilgrimage to SXSW (a.k.a. geek camp). In between catching up with friends, drinking, and checking out some of the excellent panels, I will be co-presenting two 25-minute “power sessions,” a new format for the conference.

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  2. Talking with Microsoft about

    You may recall that the DOM Scripting and Microsoft task forces, in collaboration with JS Ninjas, had been compiling a list of issues, needs, and wants for over the last few months (a list many of you contributed to as well, via your feedback). The list was to focus on what we wanted to see happen in terms of JavaScript support (as IE7 didn’t get much of an update in that area), but when it came down to it, there were other areas we really felt needed some love.

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  3. Now hear this

    In case you missed the real thing, you can now listen to the podcast of How to Bluff Your Way in DOM Scripting, the presentation international male model Jeremy Keith and I gave at SXSW this year.

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