Posts tagged “coding” Subscribe

  1. And now the fun begins

    Today marked the last day of my “work” here at SXSW and now it’s play time. It’s only been two days of the conference, but it seems like I’ve already done a week’s worth of stuff. My two sessions both went extremely well from my perspective and the feedback I’ve received has also been very good so far.

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  2. Now hear this

    In case you missed the real thing, you can now listen to the podcast of How to Bluff Your Way in DOM Scripting, the presentation international male model Jeremy Keith and I gave at SXSW this year.

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  3. Speeding up your code with the Bitwise Operator (&)

    While building a Flash game, I wrote some code to alternate through squares on a grid system and it seemed rather slow. My code made use of the % (modulo) operator and, thinking that was the cause, I went in search of a better solution. I blew the dust off the Bitwise operator (&) and researched what it actually does. As it turns out, this little bit of programming’s past can be quite handy.

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