Posts tagged “browsers” 
Audio Spectrum Analysis in JSON
I thought I would post the source for the the Spectrum Analysis tool I created for anyone wanting a quick way to get some data from their favorite tune and perhaps figure out a way to use it in a optimized fashion.
A Twitter Search Visualizer in Processing.js
I jumped over from Raphael back to Processing again today and built a visualizer for Twitter data.
Canvas, Audio, Raphael & Twitter
Last week I worked up an audio visualizer in Flash for a friend that yielded some nice results; doing the same thing with
and JavaScript requires a more roundabout method that is less accurate but more gratifying from a coding perspective. -
Automatically opting-in to IE8’s Standards Mode
As some of you have read (or heard), WaSP organized a Round Table discussion on IE8’s standards mode and its default behavior of opting-out any sites that don’t engage in version targeting.
Talking with Microsoft about
You may recall that the DOM Scripting and Microsoft task forces, in collaboration with JS Ninjas, had been compiling a list of issues, needs, and wants for over the last few months (a list many of you contributed to as well, via your feedback). The list was to focus on what we wanted to see happen in terms of JavaScript support (as IE7 didn’t get much of an update in that area), but when it came down to it, there were other areas we really felt needed some love.
More on IE7 Beta 2
Eric has a very enlightened post for those of you out to document bugs in IE7 Beta 2. He also echoed my feelings that this is a beta people!
A Load of Malarkey
Microsoft released Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 for public consumption yesterday. Based on everything I’d been reading, the development team seemed to be moving in the right direction. I decided to take it for a test drive to see how things were coming along.
I finally got around to reading Chris Wilson's post about standards support in IE7 and I have to admit I am more than a little giddy.