Posts by Aaron Gustafson
A new “onload” scheme
A few projects back, I decided to rethink our JavaScript organization strategy and came up with a new technique that, I think, helps us better manage behaviors from page to page.
Getting TinyMCE to respect empty alt attributes
By default (or at least in the default configuration provided under the LG TinyMCE extension for ExpressionEngine), TinyMCE will remove the
attribute if it is empty. Obviously, for accessibility and validation reasons, this is highly undesirable and needs correcting. -
This decision by the W3C to not renew the charter for the XHTML2 Working Group has, rather unfortunately, brought out the worst in the Web standards community. Personally, I have mixed feelings about the decision.
We’re back (sort of)
After a stupid mistake that led to catastrophic data loss, Easy! Reader is back, has moved to a new platform, and will soon be graced by a few new voices.
Automatically opting-in to IE8’s Standards Mode
As some of you have read (or heard), WaSP organized a Round Table discussion on IE8’s standards mode and its default behavior of opting-out any sites that don’t engage in version targeting.
Server-side FigureHandler thoughts
In reaction to my latest article for A List Apart, on FigureHandler, many folks have boldly claimed that this sort of thing should be done server-side. Here are my thoughts on the matter.
Alex Russell is not a heretic
First off, let me preface this by saying I just got back to the East Coast after catching a red-eye from San Francisco on Saturday night, so if I seem a bit incoherent, that’s likely why.
A better createElementWithName()
Back in 2005, I wrote a piece about IE’s abysmal generation of
d elements via the DOM (which, interestingly enough, has proven to be one of the most popular posts on the blog, pointing to the fact that this is an obvious pain point for many DOM scripters out there). -
Tipr, now with added txt
So, as it turns out, this little app I built for myself is actually useful to other folks.
New Easy! app: Tipr
Those of you who’ve been paying attention to the apps that came out of iPhoneDevCamp (or who are using Applists,
AppMarks,or any of the other iPhone web app aggregators/launchers) are probably already aware, but we just launched our first micro-application named “Tipr” last week.