Geek Camp” wrap-up

I had a fantastic time at SXSWi this year. It was great to catch up with old friends, make some new ones, and see what everyone’s been working on for the last year. If you’re interested in seeing the shennanigans you can check out my SXSWi 2006 photostream. Highlights are below:

How to Bluff Your Way in DOM Scripting — Jeremy and I had a blast walking the audience through the wonderful world of DOM Scripting. And, based on the audience feedback, we made quite an impact too. Hopefully we managed to break down some of the misconceptions about JavaScript and the DOM being hard to work with. After all, DOM Scripting doesn’t suffer from nearly as many compatibility issues as CSS. There are some great reviews and blow-by-blows out there if you’re interested.

Web Standards and Search/SEO — It was nice to finally get some dialogue going between the web standards community, the search engines and the SEO folks. It was great to have such incredible people working to make it happen too. Many thanks to Molly, Peter, Tim, Andy, Ed and Eric for putting in the time (and putting up with a little abuse) to get the ball rolling.

The peopleCameron Adams, John Allsopp, Faruk Ateş, Kimberly Blessing, Nate Bolt, Kyle Bradshaw, Andy Budd, Tantek Çelik, Andy Clarke, Craig Cross, Mike Davidson, James Edwards, Derek Featherstone, Nick Finck, Jesse James Garrett, Porter Glendinning, Jenifer Hanen, Jon Hicks, Kenneth Himschoot, Molly Holzschlag, Shaun Inman, Lauren Isaacson, Leslie Jensen, Chris Kaminski, Jeremy Keith, Jessica Keith, Geert Leyseele, Cindy Li, Ian Lloyd, Stuart Langridge, Ethan Marcotte, Tim Mayer, Eric, Kat & Carolyn Meyer, Drew McLellan, Chris Mills, Cameron Moll, Peter Morville, Matt Mullenweg, Dunstan Orchard, Veerle Pieters, Jeff Robbins, Jen Robbins, D. Keith Robinson, Richard Rutter, Jason “Stan” Santa Maria, Christopher Schmitt, Maxine Sherrin, Eris Stassi, Greg Storey, Elly Thompson, Mark Trammell, Jeff Veen, Sergio Villarreal, Khoi Vinh, Rob Weychert, Meri Williams, Simon Willison, Jeffrey Zeldman, and a bunch more I’ve probably left out (but not forgotten, mind you).

Getting my wings (and stinger) — Faruk and I were asked (and agreed) to join the Web Standards Project (WaSP) while at SXSW. As the new kids on the block, we’ll be dealing with comment moderation on the new site, so please… be gentle.

The partiesy — I didn’t make it to many parties this year, mostly because Kel was ill, but the one I did make it to—hosted by Adaptive Path, Odeo, and Consumating—was fantastic. Next year, Kel & I will take lots of vitamins to make sure we’re in top form for the evening activities.

So now, after a long night of flying and a few days of recouperating, it’s back to work.

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